
    RobAgri is a national association including 65 members from start-ups to large industrial groups, laboratories in robotics and technical institutes. It aims at structuring and representing the agricultural robotics’ sector. Its objective is to answer the agricultural sector’s challenges as ecological transition and painful working through the following actions:

    To produce knowledge, methods, operational technological solutions,

    To promote meetings between the stakeholders in the R&D field, the academic world and the design offices,

    To convey a new perspective on the agricultural equipment of the future and in particular, to the agricultural robotics,

    To develop consistency in group work performed collectively,

    To ensure the promotion and dissemination of the results and works (without manufacturing and selling robots on the farmers’ market).

    Since 2018, RobAgri finds in GOFAR the right communication tools to promote its actions.

    In 2019, RobAgri organized its first Scientific Workshop which took place at FIRA during one full day. 15 scientific and technological projects have been presented.

    Since then, RobAgri and GOFAR have worked hand in hand to develop the agricultural robotics’ sector with the same vision: to find autonomous alternatives in the way we produce food, with less impact on farmers’ health and environment.