Le 16/06/2020
Benefits of High Precision weeding
Ecorobotix is a Swiss based agricultural robot manufacturer.
Their mission is to develop and manufacture high precision weeding robots.
When speaking of high precision weeding, Ecorobotix means:
1- Recognition of each specie: crops and weed species, to map precisely each plant location;
2- The size of spraying pixels: the best time is at an early stage;
3- Accuracy: as the camera is positioned approximately one metre before the sprayer, the robot movement needs to be highly accurate to spray at the right time;
4- The spraying pattern:it requires to be as precise as possible to not spray on the crops;
5- Output of the robot.
What are the benefits of high precision weeding, aka "spot spraying"?
- Less chemicals sprayed
- On row spraying
- Less phytotoxicity, and thus higher yields.
Claude Juriens, Business Manager at Ecorobotix, explains.